
Application submission period: from 13 January 2025 to 27 February 2025 at 2:00 pm (local time in Barcelona), both dates inclusive. Grants for universities and other stakeholders in Catalonia's research, development, and innovation system to carry out projects with a social impact of knowledge aimed at addressing and improving global challenges, framed within the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, and focused on the territory and/or the university community and culture of Catalonia's research and knowledge system.

Organizado el 9 de marzo de 2023, este seminario web brindó a los participantes una descripción general de las diferentes oportunidades de financiación para proyectos de ciencia ciudadana. El evento consistió en un debate con representantes de diferentes fuentes de financiación a nivel local, nacional e internacional para discutir similitudes y resaltar las especificidades entre los diferentes enfoques.

In this article from NCP Flanders, a European funding expert explains how citizen science appears in most Horizon Europe calls for proposals, especially in Cluster 6 and EU Missions, and provides examples of dedicated calls for proposals and prizes in terms of promoting citizen science.